[quote:upcgpovu][size=150:upcgpovu]How would you feel about a computer infection that could lie to your bank about your online transactions? What would happen if details such as who you are paying and how much, could be changed without you knowing it?[/size:upcgpovu][/quote:upcgpovu]
This is the opening paragraph taken from a terrific article written by our good friend and expert author/reviewer Clif Sipe over at the Techie Buzz site. You can read through Clif's eye opening revelations about this new threat [url=http://techie-buzz.com/tech-news/improved-carberp-trojan.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+techiebuzz+%28Techie+buzz%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher:upcgpovu]HERE.[/url:upcgpovu]
Very scary and just one more good reason why people should seriously consider using virtual environment/sandbox type applications for browsing.
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