I found this over at [url=http://computerschool.org/computers/malware/:vczv8ihv]computerschool.org[/url:vczv8ihv] and it does an excellent job of explaining the "what" and "why" of malware. We at DCT often try to explain it in simple terms, but this picture just lets you follow the flow of money. Now you know why it is important to practice safe computing!
Ken Harthun
March 27, 2011 - 1:42 pm
Member Since: August 11, 2011
Forum Posts: 86
The Geek approves! The Geek stole the image to use for his own nefarious (educational) purposes! (Generating yet another backlink to DCT from my "other" blog.)
Well done, Dave. This is exactly what I have been telling people for years when they ask me "Why do people spread" [malware]?"