Hi azpcy - How do you pronounce that?
What operating system mate?
What format did you use for the USB flash drive, e.g. Fat, Fat32, NTFS?
What format is your main drive ('C' drive)?
Have you looked in Disk Management? Go to StartControl PanelAdministrative ToolsComputer ManagementDisk Management......Is it listed there?
More questions than answers I know but if you could please give us that information we will be able to better advise.

Thanks for the response
Hi azpcy - How do you pronounce that? pronounced a-z-p-c-y
What operating system mate? ----------- Windows XP
What format did you use for the USB flash drive, e.g. Fat, Fat32, NTFS? Fat 32
What format is your main drive ('C' drive)? NTFS
Disk Management? Go to StartControl PanelAdministrative ToolsComputer ManagementDisk Management......Is it listed there? NO, not there
Hmmm, well azpcy....if the USB Flash Drive is not listed under Disk Management I really have no idea where to go from there.
Have you tried the flash drive in all available USB slots?
OK, just had a quick look around the net and came across some advice for this issue:
1) A fix from Microsoft....go to this page: http://support.microsoft.com/?.....bid=314634
2) A suggested fix from another forum: [i:1l89m1nr]"Actually, go into [b:1l89m1nr]Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services[/b:1l89m1nr] and start the [b:1l89m1nr]Logical Disk Manager[/b:1l89m1nr] and [b:1l89m1nr]Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service [/b:1l89m1nr]services. They may be set to off or manual and not turned on." [/i:1l89m1nr]
You can read through the full forum topic, including suggestions and the solutions which worked, here: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/lofiv ... 11736.html

Re: your question
Disk Management? Go to StartControl PanelAdministrative ToolsComputer ManagementDisk Management......Is it listed there?
I'm sorry, I said NO, not there,------- but it does show a drive letter and just lists as---- unreadable
I've tried all the suggestions, FixIt, (wouldn't reboot after, went to last good to get up), ( CP > AT > Services, LDM and LDMA all started) , followed through the other suggested forum, etc.
maybe it's a dud. I did have data on it one time when new, but not after the format.
OK azpcy, no worries.
When you right click on the entry for the USB drive in Disk Management do you get an option menu? If you do, what options are available?
If no options such as; format, assign new dive letter, etc. are available then I'm afraid your USB drive is most likely history. Most other possible solutions, such as running chkdsk, require the device to be recognised and listed in 'My Computer'.
I was just about to jump in and it seems the party is over...
My guess is it has to do with the drive being over 4GB and being formatted as Fat32. Fat32 is only good up to 4GB, so this may have had an affect on the process during formatting.
You could probably fix it using DOS, but I can't make any promises - I don't have an 8GB flash drive handy and I haven't formatted anything in Fat32 for years.
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