Hello folks,
I have a 6/7yr. old Delll Precision 390 with 2x300GB HDs, both partitioned fifty/fifty, running Win7 Ultimate SP1.
I wanted to verify the contents of 6 or 7 other HDs from my old PCs - specifically looking for some music files. I removed one of the HDs in the Dell and "hot-swapped" an old HD. When it wasn't recognized by Win7, I re-booted. It still wasn't acknowledge by Windolws, neither in Explorer nor in Disk Management. Replaced it with a second old HD, repeated the re-boot, but same result.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong??
Thanks in advance.
mike b

OK, SORTED. Just discovered that Dell fitted two HDs but by default activated in BIOS only one HD, which was split in two to give the impression, to my casual look, of two HD devices corresponding to the two observed physical HDs. The second HD just sat there doing nothing but look imprerssive, consume power and confuse the hell out of me!! Comprehension finally dawned when I disconnected all external devices and found only ONE HD listed in Windows Explorer when I was looking at TWO of them.
Glad that nobody wasted time on looking into this dilemma, but thanks for being here and providing, in this instance, the impetus to provoke a train of thought that led to a good resulrt
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