The second one I fixed, the four feet at the bottom were over-height to allow the plug and cable to snake back to the rear of the case, but the first one couldn't stand upright.
You can still find them down here for a couple of dollars.
I'll dig out the other one if I can find
This seems a little more logical.
My meager rig Intel DP43BF Mobo, 4GB Crucial Ram, Intel Pentium Dual Core Processor, Nvidia GT430 GPU, 1 500GB HDD with three partitions, 1 1TB HDD for data and bkup. Currently running XP Pro (1st partition), W7 Home Premium 64bit (2nd partition), W10 Pro 64bit (3rd partition). W10 is set for default OS startup.
I am doing a little reconfigurations on my other machine.
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