One overlooked item of concern is that of where to keep your backup, and not as much to do with if it's encrypted; well that's my way of seeing things. Till recently, I keep my backup copies in a simple filing cabinet along with original cd's and the like. Then, with all this recent climate (fires, floods), I began to thing of a silly item that's been around for years. A fireproof safe (which also happens to be waterproof). Large enough for important papers, backup drive, cd's and DVDs. It was a pain initially, but something I've come to understand as a safety necessity, as we depend on the electronic media for so much today.
BTW, it's also best to have the unit bolted to the floor/wall and hidden from site, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"
Just want to point out that there are two types of fire proof safes. One is fireproof for paper - meaning the papers will be charred and discolored but readable. The other is designed for "media" (usually labeled media, digital, data, or similar) and has enough insulation to keep the internal temps low enough that disks and drives are more likely to survive. Fire safes are also rated by hours and most consumer safes are 1 or 2 hour. Do your research before you buy and put your trust in a safe.
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