Grrrrr I have cussed at this thing, given it the evil eye and been at this for hours. No luck. I have repaired multiple systems in the last few days but this system...let's just say it is making me rethink my future as a technician.
Dell Optiplex 745 purchased refurbished on EBay by a customer. It came with Win. 8.1, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD. They wanted Windows 10 installed & an additional DVD rom drive. They contacted the seller who was of no help and turned to me.
I upgraded to Windows 10 per their request, with no worries. I have no splats in the device manager. Under Sound, video and game controllers it has: High definition audio device. it states the device is working properly. Yeah stupid thing it is not. Driver provider says Microsoft.
I have checked every driver. Installed, uninstalled, updated the bios, made sure all settings were system defaults. Checked my Harman Kardon speakers on another system they are fine. I have read multiple documentation on people with similar problems. They said try a Realtek driver for this motherboard. Been there done that no luck. it is onboard sound/video.
Pentium D 3.4GHz. Display adapter says Intel Q965/Q963 Express Chipset.
I really want to get this thing out of my sight. I am about ready to chuck it or give it a good swift kick. Any advice would be much appreciated at this point. I have fixed 4 other systems today and had this one since Thursday and not getting anywhere with it.


Under Sound, video and game controllers it has: High definition audio device
Is that it, nothing else? And does it say "Realtek High Definition Audio" or just "High Definition Audio"?
Also; is the speaker icon displaying in the system tray? If so, what options are listed under both "Volume Mixer" and "Playback devices"?
Have you checked "Services" to make sure the "Windows Audio" and "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder" services are running?
Have you tried uninstalling the audio driver in Device Manager, then restarting the machine?

Your driver is here:
I'd download the driver, then make a restore point. Uninstall the device in device manager & tick the box that says to remove the driver software, too.
Right-click the file (or, extract to a folder w/7-zip, & run the exe from there) as admin/compatibility as Win 7. I've had times where the regular exe wouldn't install, but if I extracted the exe & then ran it, it went through.
See how you go...In the past, installing Dell drivers has been dreadful> have to point the device directly to the frigging driver (it cannot seem to follow look-in "all sub-folders" command).
PS: I assume you only have onboard sound & that a video card w/HDMI is not present.


I had forgotten about the Dell drivers, they can be a "pain". This may work if W10 will accept the driver, you have to remember this driver was written for XP.
I have an old Dell Optiplex 520 that I have installed W10 on and it has the SoundMax Intergrated Digital Audio driver installed.
Thank you everyone for he great advice. I have been repairing computers a long time, and sometimes you can get overwhelmed when you have high volume and every repair is taxing.
This particular computer frustrated me to no end. Part of my frustration was the purchase was thru Ebay & it was advertised as Windows 8.1 & wireless. It arrived with Windows 7 Home Premium and no wireless capability.
As I upgraded it to Windows 10 per customers request, that was when the sound took a dump. On the Windows 7 OS I had sound. Nothing was muted, all sound drivers said they were fine. Everything was text book.
I finally took the Harman Kardon speakers I had attached. (That worked on Windows 7) and tested them on one of my other personal desktops. No sound at all.
RIP Dear speakers you led a good life. Now time to purchase some on Amazon or Ebay as I currently have my high end speakers form my good system on this customers computer til they pick it up. I want to show them that it is fine.
I appreciate everyone's advice.
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