What would you say is the expected life of this unit? One, two, three, four, or more years? The tech I spoke with said 3 - 4 years is typical. When I mentioned I've had poor success, 1 to 2 years, he went silent. Well, at least other more expensive parts have a longer life span, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"


My last 2 have been over 5 years each, though I tend to buy upscale so I'm not surpassed by technology in a year, or two. My previous Dlink was rock solid for the first 4 years before it started having "fits" every once in a while. The Netgear before that was a tank that I only upgraded to the Dlink so I could take advantage of the N spec.
Technology wise it's probably a 3 year lifespan.
That said, the last 3 or 4 generations have gotten more complicated (multicore processors, firmware, etc) which may lead to less reliability, especially in a home environment.
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