
Bought this from Best Buy this weekend.
Been doing a little work on my main machine.....
Disk0 is a 1TB Samsung 860EVO. Installed this drive this past
weekend. Used the Samsung migration software to clone the drive.
Disk1 is running Arch Linux on a 120GB SSD SanDisk. Does a great
job of being my boot drive.
Disk2 is a 240GB SSD SanDisk running XP. Wasn't sure if XP would
run on an SSD, but it does, and running well. Used Easeus Todo
Backup for the system image of XP, I then used Easeus Partition
Master to restore the image to the SSD. After the restore
I shut down the PC and unplugged the HDD and rebooted and changed
the drive letter and resized the XP drive.
I now have an all SSD machine.

Nice to read about a successful migration dandl. Is this your first time using the Samsung 860EVO ssd? The computer store near me sells them at a reasonable price and I am using 2 of them. Love the speed (you did tell me to go with ssd) and put my faith into Samsung over the competition, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"


Yes this is my first time to use a Samsung SSD, usually use SanDisk, but the price was right and it is very fast. W10
was cloned from the drive that is now running XP. So far everything is working great. I am slowly moving all games
and programs, at least the ones that will run, over to W10. I could probably migrate away from XP, but it is still
useful and I like having it around.
Arch Linux is my go to OS, and I will hardly use Windows, unless I am wanting to play my games. Thanks for the input. Daniel.
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