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This is something I was questioned about recently and thought it best to speak my (limited) mind here in the Anything Goes Forum.
IMHO, when surfing (the Internet), one can come across many scare tactics. Users have often been scammed by phony software ads stating they will clean your computer while they actually do more harm than any good.
Do the this war between Russia and Ukrainian, many people do not trust anything that comes from Russia. The only truth and honest fact is that the war is the making of a few key people in Russia. It has been reported that the people in Russia were blindsided and were totally unaware of what was taking place. Right now, the truth is slowing making its way to the Russian people (simple regular folk like us).
If you were to make your honest opinions known, and live in Russia, you stand an excellent chance of being arrested, and much more (worse).
Kaspersky security software like the competition, is monitored to make sure it works safely and as stated. Experts in the computer security field report their findings for all to read. And yes, some slant their reviews to their favourites (a normal and typical human response).
I have and continue to put my trust in KIS (Kaspersky Internet Suite). Should I be proven wrong (and hopefully never), I will immediately inform the DCT community (and beg for mercy)
I questioned my IP if they still recommend Kaspersky products. Their reply "We do recommend it but do not offer it anymore." You can draw your own conclusions, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"
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