Unfortunately there isn't a specific place for discussions about Windows/Microsoft/Nokia phones - the interest and participation levels just weren't high enough to justify it.
Personally, I never jumped on the Windows phone bandwagon. I was on the fence and very interested in version 8, but decided to see what they did with 10 - I really wanted to see a Surface Phone, and after the recent events (MS pretty much gutted their entire phone program over the past 2 weeks) I'm glad I didn't make the jump!
What's your question? If it's carrier, service, or hardware I may be able to help. Otherwise someone else may come along with more Windows phone knowledge.

It is a hardware problem i am having with my Lumia 930.It is just out of the warantee period and the microfhone that works when using the speaker phone is faulty because i cnnot be heard by the other party.
If one googles this problem there are countless complains about this issue but microsoft refuses to accept responsibility that it is a blatant defect with the 930's and wanted to know if there were other people on this forum who have a simular phone and experiencing the same problem.
If one looks up this phone it states it has a twenty four month waranteed on any defects ,but because i am in SouthAfrica and the phone was bought online from a company situated in France the waratee is not valid.
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