Thanks Richard. I sent him an email a while back and never heard from him and Jim and I go way back to when FreewareBB.com was still up and running, before it was sold. I'm glad he's doing well, thanks again.
@Mindblower, Richard was just answering my question, I hope everything is good with you too buddy.

Thanks Richard for the update. Truly sad to hear Jim has left DCT. His insight and software articles are what made DCT a good site to visit. Hope a replacement is in the works. Any idea when his name will be removed or since he has articles, which are still accessible, a footnote in his bio, informing readers that he's still alive, just no longer contributing, or words to that. A deserved farewell, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"

Hi Mindblower,
Jim's name will never be removed nor will his articles.
I am always on the hunt for writers but that is not an easy task. As far as a replacement goes, I don't think that is possible. His shoes are simply too big to fill.
One never knows when Jim might pop in with another article; we can only hope,

Guess I failed to make myself clear Richard. I would never suggest removing Jim's articles. Since he is NO longer writes articles, it makes sense to remove his name from the list of contributors/Administrator and update his BIO reflecting his departure (and thanking him for his contribution to DCT). This is something that might be put into effect to all others as well (forward thinking), Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"
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