Each year children (kids) either start or re-start their school year around this time. And each year adults share their opinions (moan more than the kids) about how hard it is going to be. I can understand when kids complain simply because they are kids. It is normal for them to bitch about everything (these spoiled brats - compared to when those over 60 attended school), but having to hear it from scholars, this gets my goat.
Kids not only today, but each generation as technology advances get spoiled beyond belief. The kid in the candy store used to be "can I have" was replaced by "I want - gimme more" etc) and never a please or thank you.
Believe I feel better now, Mindblower!
"For the needy, not the greedy"
Richard Pedersen
September 3, 2019 - 12:27 am
Member Since: July 31, 2012
Forum Posts: 222
Hi MB!
I feel the same fear and loathing as you,
April 2, 2020 - 2:11 am
Member Since: April 9, 2019
Forum Posts: 5
Especially now with online training and Google classroom tasks which are given each time as their homework.