DCT Xmas Giveaway: Asus T100 Transformer Notebook

Just a quick reminder that our Xmas giveaway is still open and will be until midnight on Sunday 11th December. If you haven’t entered the giveaway yet, you can still do so by visiting the original Giveaway page here: DCT Xmas Giveaway: Asus T100 Transformer Notebook

One (1) Brand new Asus T100 Chi 10.1″ 2-in-1 Transformer Book to be given away to one lucky DCT reader.

To enter, please visit the original Giveaway page here: DCT Xmas Giveaway: Asus T100 Transformer Notebook

2 thoughts on “DCT Xmas Giveaway: Asus T100 Transformer Notebook”

  1. Everyone needs computer help sometimes. This is a good place to find it.

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