DCT Giveaway: PearlMountain Image Converter (20 licenses)

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This contest has expired. The winners are listed below:

candi chalmers
Harvey B
Peter Saving
John W. Marshall
Larry Rydel
Sumit Goswami

Congratulations to all winners and a BIG thank you to PearlMountain for allowing us to share this software with our readers!


PearlMountain has most generously donated 20 licenses for its versatile Image Converter software for us to use in a Mothers Day giveaway for our subscribers…Thank you Pearl Mountain!

PearlMountain Image Converter would normally sell for $39.90usd but you now have the chance to win a free license simply by submitting a reply to this article… competition ends 18th May.

Ignore the limitations implied by the title, with abilities to resize, add watermarks, apply edits and effects, and batch process, PearlMountain Image Converter is so much more than just an image converter. And the best part is – it is so very easy to use! (View a tutorial HERE).

PearlMountain Image Converter is an efficient and convenient picture converter for batch converting and processing images.It allows you to convert images to other formats, resize, rotate, crop, add watermark, apply effects and add border to thousands of images at a time. With one click your digital photos will be just right for the Web, blog, e-mail, photo printing, Facebook, MySpace, mobile phone..etc.

This batch image format converter supports 60+ image formats, including the most popular ones: JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PSD, GIF, TGA, ICO, PDF, RAW and many others.”

PearMountain Image Converter’s intuitive interface is very user friendly – just ‘Add’ photos/images, select the desired function, set your preferences, and click on the ‘Start’ button… it really is as simple as that:

Applied settings can be saved as a ‘Profile’, no need to keep going through selecting the same preferences over and over again for specific operations – simply access and apply your saved profile.

Main Features include:

  • Convert thousands of files at once in batch mode.
  • Supports the most popular image formats: BMP, JPEG, TIFF, RAW, PNG, GIF, TGA, and PSD, and almost all image formats.
  • Save operations that you usually use as profiles and bring convenience with you in the future.
  • Convert between many different image file formats.
  • Resizing image for any different use, such as for web, e-mail, photo printing, Facebook, MySpace, mobile phone, ipod/ipad/iphone, etc.
  • Add image and text watermark for Image Copyright Protection
  • Adjust image brightness, contrast and saturation in batch to make your images look more special.
  • Apply border to images.
  • Crop photos, removing unwanted areas.

Pearl Mountain Image Converter HOME PAGE

For your chance to win one of 20 free licenses for PearlMountain Image Converter simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on PearlMountain Image Converter. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) 18th May.
*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on PearlMountain Image Converter or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 18th May. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On May 19th, 20 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this giveaway and from here on we are adding a new additional rule. Seems some people enter and then don’t bother checking to see if they have won or replying to notification emails. This means that licenses occasionally remain unclaimed. So, the new rule is: Winners must claim their license within 14 days after the draw (or receiving their notification email). Unclaimed licenses after that time will be redrawn.

We wish all Mums a very Happy Mothers Day, best of luck to all entrants, and a big THANK YOU again to PearlMountain!

candi chalmers
Harvey B
Peter Saving
John W. Marshall
Larry Rydel
Sumit Goswami

23 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: PearlMountain Image Converter (20 licenses)”

  1. candi chalmers

    im interested in the pearl mountian image converter as i do my own images and it would be great to try this and have my own image converter

    thank you

  2. Kinda late for this Mothers’ Day, but Fathers’ Day is just around the corner. Count me in, Mindblower!

  3. I think this software is useful and I want to win it. Great contest. Please count me in. 🙂

  4. This looks great – batch processing a large number of files – Sure would love a copy of this software!!

  5. Thanks for the offer. Dealing with intellectual property as part of my job, I would like to try the batch watermark feature.

    Thanks again,

  6. Ihave never used Pearlmountain Convertor, but I hear it’s an excellent app, would love to win this.

  7. First things first! Thanks to Dave, Jim, and Pearl Mountain!
    From the looks of PMIC’s home page, this program could replace three programs I now use. Seems like a time saver for batch works. If it works anything like their free ‘Image Resizer’, I’d be very pleased.

  8. Oh, goody, goody, goody. I was looking for just this type of package. I hope I win.

  9. Hi,
    Thanks for this great giveaway…
    I hope that ( random number generator ) likes me .

  10. I would like a copy for my wife. I just bought her a tablet pc and this software would be usefull for converting videos to the correct format for use on the tablet.

  11. An excellent app well worth having for us that do a lot of image conversion. Do toss my name into the hat, Thank you, Jim and PearlMountain.

  12. This program looks awesome! I would definitely look forward to using it LOTS if I was lucky enough to win. Thanks for the offer.

  13. Heard about your contest in “Dave’s Computer Tips” and checked your website.

    Looks like a great piece of software & I’d love to have a copy. I do work with images/graphics in my personal time and this would be wonderful.

    Thanks for the contest!

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