DCT Giveaway: CollageIt Pro (Windows & Mac)

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

Windows                                  Mac

  • syed aleem                      registered professional
  • briareoushex                     John Atkinson
  • Rex E                                          cj
  • Paul                                     Robert Rozijn
  • Tasha
  • Cheryl
  • Hugoso
  • Robert Edaward
  • Joeken


Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who entered.[/message]

Our friends at PearlMountainSoft have once again come to the Mother’s Day party donating 20 licenses (12 Windows + 8 Mac) for the outstanding CollageIt Pro for us to give away to our subscribers. For a chance to win one of the free licenses (normally $29.90), all you need do is submit a reply to this article with a comment… we’d prefer if you commented on the CollageIt Pro software.

**Please include either “Windows” or “Mac” in your comments so we know which is applicable.

  • If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it’s because first comments need to be moderated, it will appear shortly!
  • Competition closes 19th May 2013

collageit logo

For those of you who may not be aware, PearlMounatinSoft’s CollageIt Pro is the Rolls Royce of photo collage software, feature rich yet very easy to use… simply the best. CollageIt Pro is like the gift that just keeps on giving, a great way to preserve all your precious memories, and CollageIt Pro is so intuitive and easy to use, even those with little or no experience will be creating fantastic collages in no time.

CollageIt Pro offers a huge range of customizations and options; starting out with the numerous built-in templates and then customizing per medium of features such as Photo Count, Random Layout, Background Color, Reset, Add Borders and Add Shadow to create a seemingly infinite array of different collage shapes and sizes. Here is just a tiny selection of samples:

collageit sample 1      collageit sample 2

collageit sample 3     collageit sample 4

Key elements:
  • Automatic, easy, and powerful – create professional collages with just a few mouse clicks
  • Built-in templates – many pre-designed templates to choose from
  • Customization – a myriad of features and options, possibilities are only limited by the imagination
  • Sharing – good range of output formats, email to family & friends, easily set as desktop background, share on Flickr and Facebook

For more information about this great software and its features visit the CollageIt Website.


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on CollageIt Pro.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 19th May. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On May 20th, 20 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each (12 x Windows + 8 x Mac)
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available (on this page) once the draw has been completed and winning names published.
  • Winners must claim their license within 7 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.

Here’s your chance to win a unique and special gift to help Mum celebrate this Mother’s Day, so get those comments in!

And a huge THANK YOU once again to PearlMountainSoft.


21 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: CollageIt Pro (Windows & Mac)”

  1. Thanks for this giveaway… CollageIt Pro is a very useful tool to do photo editing and organizing..Please count me in

  2. CollageIt is one of the best photo software. Thank to it we can make great colagges of our photos.
    Thank you and count me in, please.

  3. Great giveaway! I will easily make a collage and share it through social media sites.

  4. I downloaded Collagelt to compare it with other programs. It does things with pictures my printer program
    and other photo programs cannot do!

    Jim Moss

  5. I tried Collageit Free a year ago and it was OK, but lacked versatility. From your examples, and the examples on their site, it looks like CollageIt Pro is much more sophisticated. I hope to be one of the few who gets the free license.

  6. I would love to try Collageit on my photos. Thanks to you and PearlMountainSoft for arranging the give away.

  7. CollageIt Pro is the best, enabling us to make great photo collages. Thank you and count me in for the Windows version, please.

  8. Robert Rozijn

    Got an older version of CollageIt Pro for Windows. Nice product. As I now own a Macbook I would like the change to test the software for a Mac.

  9. ColllageIt Pro for Windows seems to be avery interesting and important software especially for people who take a lot of pictures like me. Thanks for your special giveaway for Mother’s Day.

  10. Sounds interesting. I have a small (about 20k) collection of family photos that I’ve been trying to figure out how to present. This might be useful.

  11. Wow!!!! CollageIt Pro seems to be the best photo editing program I have seen. Have used others and it seems to have better useability, uniqueness. CollageIt Pro for Windows would make my photo editing needs seem so much easier and proficient. Thank you for presenting this contest to us and I sure hope to be a winner. CollageIt Pro Rocks!!!!!!

  12. Been using older version and it does what it says. Enter me for a Windows version, thanks.

  13. Robert Edwards

    I’d live to give this a try. Thank you very much and Happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms! Ops, forgot. I’m using Windows.

  14. I have not used this software before,but from the comments and your review it sounds like an excellent program. I would be very keen to use the windows version. Please enter me in this giveaway

  15. CollageIt Pro is the very first photo editor I have received and didnt even have to pay for it. Im looking forward to having fun and exploring the program and becoming a pro. Thank you for the giveaway….

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