Apple by the Numbers

numbersApple’s CEO Tim Cook kicked off Apple’s Worldwide Developers’ Conference (WWDC) on June 2nd with the typical ‘Apple by the Numbers’ presentation.

This is the 25th year for WWDC.  The first WWDC in 1990 was attended by 1,300 developers, had only one lab and the hot topic was System 7.   Since then, it has grown to be the hottest tech ticket.  More than 6,000 developers from 69 countries were in attendance this year, two-thirds of them for the first time.  The youngest attendee was 13 years old.  This year there was more than 100 sessions, more than 1,000 Apple engineers in attendance and more than 120 labs.

Apple now has 9 million registered developers, a 47% increase from last year.

Over 800 million iOS devices have been sold, including more than 100 million iPods, more than 200 million iPads and more than 500 million iPhones.

130 million users were new to Apple over the last twelve months.  Nearly one-half of Apple’s China customers switched from an Android device.  iOS 7 users report an overall Apple-Logo-satisfaction rate of 97%.

Mr. Cook also took some almost obligatory swipes at Android by stating that iOS 7 is used by 89% of the iOS installed base whereas only 9% of Android devices are running its latest version, KitKat.   Much to the delight of the attendees, he also stated that Android dominates mobile malware at 99%.

Mac’s installed base in 80 million.  It has seen a year-over-year increase of 12% as compared to -5% for the rest of the industry.

Mavericks has seen a user adoption rate of 51% since its release in October 2013 as opposed to an 18% adoption rate of Windows 8 since October 2012.   This is the fastest user adoption rate for a personal computer operating system ever.

So, by Mr. Cook’s assessment, things are looking good.


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