
Aomei Backupper Pro Huge Discount Deal!

Right now you can purchase a LIFETIME license for the terrific Aomei Backupper Pro covering 5 PCs for just $39.95 US. That’s a whopping 88% discount! (Offer ends 10th June.)

Image backups represent the ultimate recovery solution. No matter the problem – malware infections, non-bootable operating systems, fatal system errors, whatever – image backups provide an instant solution. Restoring an image backup is so easy and will have you back up and running in no time.

Aomei Backupper Pro Summer Sale

Aomei Backupper Pro is one of the very best image backup solutions, if not the best. It’s been my image backup software of choice for many years and it’s never let me down. Simple, intuitive, and reliable, I wouldn’t be without it.

Every user should be creating image backups and now, you can purchase a lifetime license for this fantastic software, covering 5 PCs, for the low price of just $39.95 US (the price for Australian residents is $69.29 AU).

To take advantage of this offer visit: Aomei Backupper Pro Family – Lifetime upgrades/5PCs (payment options include PayPal). Be quick, this offer ends 10th June 2024.

Disclaimer: Neither myself nor DCT are associated with Aomei in any way and do not receive anything by way of compensation. I simply wanted to share this opportunity with our readers.



7 thoughts on “Aomei Backupper Pro Huge Discount Deal!”

  1. £47.99 GBP = $61.15 USD for anyone living in the UK. A 53% price hike for UK residents. Even if VAT is a extra tax only in the UK and no tax is charged in USA or AU that’s still a 33% surcharge for us in the UK.

    1. Hey Jonathan,

      That would likely be down to the currency exchange rate. As mentioned in the article, the cost to us in Australia is $69.29.

      When you consider that lifetime licenses for 5 PCs would normally cost around $350.00, that’s an absolute bargain.

      The same applies to you, If you can get 5 x lifetime licenses for $61.15US, that works out at around $12.00 per license, an absolute bargain mate.

      So, what’s the problem?

      1. I’m used to exchange rates – we’ve got eight grandkids in Oregon.
        At todays rate if an Australian was paying the same price as someone in the UK they would pay $92.30 Australian dollars.
        Not a problem I was interested in the software but I’m sure if you went into a bar here and everyone was being charged £3 for a pint and the bartender charged you £4 because you were Australian…..
        When converting the price they have just changed the $ sign to a £ sign without changing the numbers – at today’s rate the £GBP is worth $1.27USD.
        No problem Jim I’m used to this sort of stuff from American companies – one even tried to charge extra when I was paying in US Dollars for delivery to Oregon just because my internet location registered as the UK.

        1. I get what you’re saying Jonathan but it doesn’t alter the fact that this is a great deal. I visited the site via VPN connecting through a server in London and the base price is 39.99 pounds with a VAT charge of 8.00 pounds bringing the total to 47.99 pounds. For 5 lifetime licenses that works out at about 9.60 pounds one time only payment payment per license. That, my friend, is a great deal.

  2. This is an extraordinary deal Jim. I purchased a lifetime license for 2 computers years ago and the current price for 5 computers is much cheaper.

    Even taking the exchange rate of approx. $0.75 CDN to $1 USA, this is a no brainier bargain.

    Better to have extra lifetime licenses (just in case one gets more computer), Mindblower! 🙂

    1. Better to have extra lifetime licenses

      Yes MB, and these licenses are transferable, not tied to any individual, so they can be shared/gifted among family and friends too.

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