3Defy – Add 3D effects to photos (online)

3Defy Modeler is a free interactive online app which provides a method for adding 3D effects to traditional photos. 3Defy has been built by a team of dedicated enthusiasts and designers to provide a relatively simple way for users to tansform traditional 2 dimensional images via a set of basic tools. 3Defy works by converting various objects within the image into separate layers which can then be manipulated to achieve various effects, including: push, pull, bend and warp – all to varying degrees.

I’m pretty hopeless with image software so can’t offer much help I’m afraid. But I am always impressed by free apps which are specifically designed for simplicity with us amateurs in mind. So, hats off to the 3Defy team – I shall definitely be delving into the possibilities provided by 3Defy Modeler.

Go the the 3Defy site HERE and click on “3D MODELER” in the menu across the top of the page:

You will  then be able to select between an online image, uploading an image from your computer or using a sample image for learning purposes (doesn’t require login):

After selecting your image you will then be taken to the modeler app:

3 thoughts on “3Defy – Add 3D effects to photos (online)”

  1. What a great tool. It actually works so intuitively – Thanks for the highlight Dave great stuff!

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