
Windows 11 – A Work In Progress

Windows 11’s journey into existence has indeed been a strange one — from the initial surprise announcement of a new operating system to supplant Windows 10 to the shock of the stringent requirements. Microsoft itself certainly hasn’t helped with the weirdness, often publishing contradictory statements. Take the requirements situation, for example — for a long time, Microsoft insisted it would not weaken its stance and then, immediately following Windows 11’s initial release, actually showed users how to overcome its own requirements.

My Take On Windows 11

I am certain all these contradictions and subsequent confusion have come about because Windows 11 was rushed out, released before its time, if you will. I have been running Windows 11 Pro for a little while now and, while the new operating system is undoubtedly aesthetically pleasing, it is also underdone in terms of features and options. I believe it was Microsoft’s plan all along to bring Windows 11 to maturity over a period of time — possibly 6 to 12 months hence — and it was rushed out to consumers early to take advantage of the Christmas buying spree; the timing certainly fits.

We Are A Fickle Lot

All the negativity surrounding the release of Windows 10 is still fresh in my mind with many users avowing they would never upgrade to the awful Windows 10. Now that Windows 11 has been released we are seeing similar comments from users questioning the need to upgrade to Windows 11 when they can keep using the wonderful Windows 10 for a further four years.

The pattern is obvious; users need time to familiarize themselves with new operating systems and new operating systems need time to mature. Take XP, for example. When XP was first released it was an abomination of an operating system, about as reliable as a 20-cent watch. A decade on, and three service packs later, and XP was everyone’s favorite operating system.


Apparently, Microsoft does not put much store in first impressions, as can also be attested by Edge’s journey from a premature underdone initial release to the excellent browser it is today. I believe Windows 11 will also get there, eventually. Microsoft has given itself four years in which to get it right– although I doubt it will take anywhere near that long. I guess we should be used to Microsoft’s practice of employing users as guinea pigs by now and, while that road is often quite bumpy, users do eventually tend to end up with a fine finished product.

5 thoughts on “Windows 11 – A Work In Progress”

  1. Thanks Jim. Unlike previous operating system upgrades I have yet to see any reason to actually encourage me to upgrade to Windows 11 anytime soon. I didn’t jump from Windows 7 to Windows 10 in a hurry but after it had been tried and tested for months by other willing guinea pigs I decided to give it a go mainly because for the first time it was a free upgrade. In addition the supposed end-date for the free upgrades was fast approaching although in the end as usual Microsoft backtracked and allowed anyone to upgrade if my memory serves me right if you just said you needed it for an “Accessibility” reason. I haven’t checked but maybe you still can move if you haven’t as yet from 7 or 8 !!

    So far all the gaming sites I frequent say there is negligible advantage, if any, in frame rates in Win 11 over 10 and as said above there aren’t any “must haves” in it for me I’ve seen yet so it seems that Win 11 is as much a cosmetic upgrade to 10 as anything. As I have three PC’s that don’t meet the new TPM standard and/or processor eligibility unless someone comes up with a crafty work to those requirements I won’t be able to upgrade those anyway. It seems that at the moment whilst you can get around those requirements to some degree, Microsoft are saying that those PC’s won’t be supported with updates anyway so pointless if that’s the case.

    I guess we’ll see just see what happens in the end. I might get hit by a bus in the 4 year period before Windows 10’s demise so in that case I won’t care anyway !

  2. Petra Tschauner

    My Windows 11 was just completed. I debated whether to go ahead or put off the upgrade. Decided, why not…I can always go back to Windows 10. One of the first things that really bugs me is that you cannot move the taskbar. I have had mine on the left side for ages, and I liked it like that. Leaves more room at the bottom of the monitor. I do not know WHY Windows 11 doesn’t let you move it…must be SOME reason??? After a bit of research, there is a hack to enable the taskbar to be moved; however, the icons won’t show up, so why bother. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

    1. Hey Petra,

      Yes, the Taskbar fixed at the bottom of the screen is probably the most criticized aspect of Windows 11. There are a couple of third-party tools available that allow users to place the Taskbar at the top of the screen but nothing yet, that I am aware of, to position it vertically at the left or right edges of the screen. Maybe that will come, I suspect it might.

  3. It seems like all the PC’s that are running W10, without issues, will soon, are already have,
    become victims of the FREE digital W10 activation.
    So I will run W10 until the end, and see how long it will run after being unsupported. At my age it really isn’t an issue.
    In order for me to run W11 on any of my PC’s would require a motherboard replacement,
    new DDR4 ram, new Intel or AMD cpu. Motherboard would have to have a TPM module
    port or CPU would have to have TPM software support, either one will have to be enabled
    in the MOBO bios. I would also probably have to buy a W11 product key for activation.
    I am looking at close to a 1000 dollar, just for a one PC build.
    My viable options are very slim.

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