Windows 10 – The Last Version of Windows

At the recent Ignite conference held in Chicago, Microsoft developer Jerry Nixon made the following statement:

Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10.

It was a statement that raised eyebrows and started chins wagging. On the face of it, it may sound as though Microsoft is planning to kill off Windows but nothing could be further from the truth.

What it means is that there will be no more major releases of shiny new Windows versions, but instead, any new features or innovations will be delivered as updates to the existing operating system. Jerry Nixon went on to explain that when Microsoft was launching Windows 8.1 they were already working on Windows 10. Now, Microsoft employees can talk freely about future updates to Windows 10 because there’s no secret new version in the works coming next – it’s all just Windows 10.

Another phrase that’s being bandied about by Microsoft representatives pertaining to future Windows is “Windows as a service”, which, in the context of Jerry Nixon’s statement, can be interpreted as referring to Microsoft’s new approach of regular and frequent updates, but is nevertheless somewhat ambiguous.

The DCT team members were discussing all this during a recent video chat session on Skype. Our fearless leader (Dave) saying that he believes Windows will end up being called just that, “Windows”, with Microsoft eventually dropping the identifier “10” from the title. Makes sense to me. Dave is also of the opinion that, while Microsoft may possibly introduce a subscription based option for corporate users, it is unlikely they will do so for home users.

I tend to disagree with the latter and am still of the opinion that all indications, including recent hyperbole, are that Microsoft is planning on introducing a subscription based option for all, including home users, at some time down the track. I guess only time will tell.

One thing of which I am certain, Microsoft is intent on unifying the Windows platform by getting as many users as possible running the same operating system. The expenditure required to maintain a support infrastructure for multiple Windows versions and editions must be an astronomical drain on resources, both financial and in terms of manpower.

Bottom Line

Windows is here to stay, but the future lies in updates rather than shiny new major versions.


10 thoughts on “Windows 10 – The Last Version of Windows”

  1. I have no problems at all paying for a yearly subscription to a better and properly maintained o/s like Windows. We pay yearly for other protection software, so why not what allows the computer to work, Mindblower!

  2. I have a problem with the use of the word “LAST”. The word has more than one meaning.
    Does is mean last as in never to be another?
    Does it mean last as in the most recent?
    Now we know that it is the most recent version as 10.
    We probably all remember a discussion a few years back on what the definition of “IS” is.
    Maybe, I’m just an old paranoid fool or just an old fool.
    Something to think about………….Alan

    1. Yes, I agree, it is an ambiguous term Alan. But what do you suggest instead – final? ultimate? Just about every synonym is equally ambiguous, especially with reference to an operating system.

      1. It would be helpful if MS came out and said “exactly” what they are going to do without hiding everything in “legaleze”.

  3. It means it will be a service, rather than an OS you own a license for. It means that MS will force whatever changes they choose to make upon users. It means the end of options – of course they have been removing functionality since XP. It means computing will be done online. It means subscription fees for the OS and for Office and for whatever they choose.

    For me it means the end of Windows.

  4. I hope they’re not thinking about a subscription service. I don’t like it. That could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me. I’m already leaning on Linux.

  5. Now is when Microsoft decides whether it will live or die. Whether to continue their self-deluded hubris, thinking they have the power to dictate to the market what Customers want or whether it will seek to please those customers. Goodwill with Microsoft is at zero after the Win 8 and Win 8.1 debacles.

    Customers are not afraid of switching operating systems any more. They use and love Android. Now Microsoft wants to trust them with a “free” upgrade to Win 10. From Win 7 I doubt very seriously whether it is an upgrade at all. I have zero reason to trust them. They must now earn my trust with a great operating system with great support, updates that work (two botched updates in the past couple of months) and a little honesty. It’s already apparent that the “free” upgrade isn’t free. I’m waiting a whole year before I make the decision, and once the “free” upgrade has been made available the door is shut to making it unfree.

    Impress me Microsoft. Your options are dwindling. I look for Android to make a major push onto the desktop, and ChromeOS as well. I look for the Linux boys to sharpen their pencils and flex their gaming prowess. If Microsoft plays gangster just once too often they will be gone so fast we won’t even miss them. They are at the tipping point. This will be fun to watch.

  6. Peter Thompson

    I see problems occuring with one future version of Windows.

    The good thing with versions is it’s easy for compatibility e.g. you can check if something works on 8/7 etc. What happens when older PC’s can run some windows 10 features but not all.

    Will it be like 10.1? As it helps to know a version when trying to fix a computer.

    1. In the cherished words from Client Eastwood “you adapt and overcome”. Or go buy a new machine.

  7. I have been using the W10TP build 10074 for a few days. I will list my biggest issues.
    1 Account Sign In
    2 Windows Update
    3 Spartan and IE11
    4 Lack of support for Media Center
    The way MS has one to setup this OS is ridiculous. I use a TV card and Windows Media Center to record and watch some of my TV shows.

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