
Windows 10 Shortcuts Using Boolean Operators

Following up on last month’s shortcuts:

  • Keyword 1 NOT keyword 2 – Will result with keyword 1 but not keyword 2
  • Keyword 1 OR keyword 2 – Will result with keyword 1 or keyword 2
  • Keyword 1 – Will result with the exact phrase “keyword 1”
  • (Keyword1 keyword2) – Will result with keyword 1 and keyword 2 in any order

2 thoughts on “Windows 10 Shortcuts Using Boolean Operators”

  1. John Matenkosky

    Your last post read in part:
    “Windows 10 Shortcuts Using Boolean Operators
    By Carol Bratt / February 10, 2022 / Leave a Comment / How-To, Windows 10

    Following up on last month’s shortcuts:”

    OK, good idea. Now, where do I find “…last month’s shortcuts”? I’ve tried, believe me, I’ve tried!

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