9 thoughts on “Windows 10 Quick Tips – Account Details”

  1. Could not get the text command to work. Never realized their were that many accounts.
    Is their a command to edit and delete accounts?

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Daniel,

      When typing in commands in a DOS box, it is imperative that you get the syntax and spacing exact.
      Which command is not working for you?

      To answer your second question, the DISM command is very flexible.


      Correction: The text file will be sent to your User folder, not the desktop.

      1. wmic useraccount list full >”filename.txt” If anything was written to a text file, I can’t find it. What am I doing Wrong?

        1. Richard Pedersen

          I have no idea. The command you are showing works for me.
          See the correction in the previous comment. It will not be placed on your desktop.

      2. The reason I asked about account deletion is because I have had a couple of PC owners bring their PC’s to remove their accounts along with some more accounts, one had four user accounts, and start over with a new account.
        What I did was create a new admin account and copied the data they wanted to keep and used the new account to remove the other accounts. Just thought their might be an easier way.

        1. Richard Pedersen

          Hi Daniel,

          As with all things Windows, there are multiple ways of reaching the desired goal.

          Using the innate Windows interface, as you have done, is almost always the safest way to accomplish these things.


  2. Jack Douglas

    Hi Richard

    “‘wmic’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”



    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Jack,

      If you’re running an older Windows 10 build, it might not work correctly.
      If you’re running an older version of Windows, then I’m sure it won’t work.


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