
Windows 10 Quick Tips – 32-bit or 64-bit?

This will undoubtedly be the quickest Quick Tip in Windows 10 Quick Tips history. I always begin these little posts thinking they will be, well, quick. It doesn’t always end up being that way because sometimes I get long-winded, or sometimes the subject matter simply demands more attention. This particular Quick Tips article will, indeed, be quick.

My son asked this question the other day and it occurred  to me that if he doesn’t know, then other people may not know, either. So here is the very simple answer to this burning question…

32-bit or 64-bit– Which Windows System Are You Running?

You will have to bring up the System Properties Sheet for your computer and this can easily be done by using the Windows Key + X hotkey combination and choosing System from the Power Menu.

You will immediately be presented with the above window showing you, among other things, which system type your are running.

That’s it! I told you it would be quick,


10 thoughts on “Windows 10 Quick Tips – 32-bit or 64-bit?”

    1. Richard Pedersen

      I keep my promises. What the New Year has to do with it, I don’t know 🙂

  1. My stupid HP brings up the ‘Windows Mobility Center customized by Hewlett-Packard’ screen with the Winkey+X combination. There ought to be a law!

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi sirpaul2,

      HP loves to do that stuff; I usually disable all of it. When they start remapping native Windows hotkeys, that’s where I draw the line.

      You can still get to the System information in Windows 10 by clicking the Start Button,
      clicking Windows System,
      then right-clicking This PC,
      then More
      and choosing Properties.

      That’s why I like hotkeys so much,

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi HisSon,

      Right-clicking the Start Button also brings up the same menu as the WinKey + X hotkey. Much easier than drilling through the whole menu system.

      Thanks for the tip!

  2. Thanks, I’m running Win 10 pro and the display shows 32 bit Operating system, x64 based processor. Is it possible to move from 32 bit to 64 bit Win 10? And if so how?
    Many thanks

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Dave,

      You cannot directly upgrade Windows 32-bit to Windows 64-bit.
      You will have to buy the 64-bit operating system and install it.
      Make backups first!


    1. Richard Pedersen

      Thanks Dave!

      Maybe I had better review a hotkeys list! 🙂

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