Where is the Table Tools Tab in Word 2010?

A reader recently wrote to me asking where he could the Table Tools tab in MS Word 2010. Apparently I had referenced the Table Tools tab in an article and he could not find it.

My response:

It is there although not readily intuitive for everyone. Follow the steps below to enable the Table Tools Tab in version 2007 – 2010:

  1. Click inside any table.
  2. Table Tools will display above your Ribbon.
  3. Once Table Tools is enabled, there are two tabs just for tables – Design and Layout.

Not so difficult when you know how to access it is it?

1 thought on “Where is the Table Tools Tab in Word 2010?”

  1. I did the above, but when I hit CTRL A to select the entire table, the tab “TABLE TOOLS” disappears. But I need it. Why doesn’t it just stay there?

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