Watch thousands of free full-length doumentaries online

Here is a site where you can watch full-length documentaries online, all free and legal. There are thousands of documentaries to choose from covering just about every conceivable topic, all sorted into a nice variety of categories. The site includes a registration facility but I’m pretty certain it is purely voluntary – I watched several docos without needing to register.

The content is derived entirely from material which is freely available on web sites of broadcasters and video hosting services.  So, according to the site’s FAQ anyway, there’s no problem with copyright.

Copyright Questions

Most of the documentaries at our website are not hosted at our server, but at external sites such as YouTube, Google Video, Sevenload and others.
If you do not like your work being available on these sites, please contact the hosting site directly instead of contacting us.
We assume all documentaries available on the web are either in public domain or posted there by the copyright owner.

Titles are fully searchable and all you need is a browser. The site has an unusual name though…it’s called “Watch Documentary”… LOL

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