
The DCT Forum Is Back!

DCT’s help Forum is back, bigger and better than ever!

You might have noticed that the Forum has been missing for some weeks, that’s because it has been going through an upgrade process to the latest and greatest version. You’ll find that the Forum is now easier to navigate, and it looks good too.

On the DCT Forum, you can ask for help with any computer problems and receive assistance from our team of experts, as well as from other Forum members. Or simply pop in to say g’day, share your favorite joke or anecdote, or just to chat. DCT’s Forum is perfect for helping with computer issues, including an option to upload screenshots.

Unfortunately, we were forced to discard our free “Ask An Expert” advice service via email because of an overload of spam. It worked very well to help our members with their PC problems but, eventually, the amount of spam became impossible to deal with.

That said, the Forum is back and very easy to access. Simply click the Forum link in the menu across the top of any DCT blog page:

Or visit the Forum at Daves Computer Tips Forum and add it to your bookmarks/favorites.

We look forward to seeing you there.

2 thoughts on “The DCT Forum Is Back!”

  1. Robert Taylor

    Nice Jim,
    Look forward to scanning some topics for upcoming issues I’m sure I’ll have. You guy’s do a good job of sharing your knowledge and time.

    Robert L. Taylor

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