
Pictures Not Displaying On Facebook

A woman called me because her pictures were not showing up on Facebook after being uploaded. I uploaded some for her remotely through Teamviewer. They were not displayed in her pictures on her profile but they were shown on her timeline.

Read: How To Connect Remotely With Teamviewer

So I tried uploading a couple of pictures to Facebook to see what happened. I’m going to upload the pictures the same way she did.

On Facebook, click on your profile name in the top left-hand corner.

Then click on Photos in the menu. Then the Add Photos/Video button.

In the popup box select your picture(s). I changed the view from Public to Only me because that is how she does it. Click on that little button to change the options. I picked a picture of a bike (not mine). And then I clicked on Post.

Read: How To – Facebook Posts To Specific Friends

When I went back to my pictures and clicked on Your Photos, the picture was there. I tried a second picture but this time it did not show in my photos. It didn’t click in my mind right away but the solution turned out to be simple.

Just refresh the page. Hit the refresh button in your browser or press the F5 key on your keyboard. Pictures are now all displayed.

Click here for more Facebook issues and solutions.

2 thoughts on “Pictures Not Displaying On Facebook”

  1. Peter Thompson

    Sometimes the simplest solutions are the correct one.

    In my job we constantly have to ask if people have restarted their computer and other stuff and while things like that seem to be a joke due to things like the IT Crowd, it’s surprising how often it fixed the issue.

    The annoying thing is it is so easy to overlook the simple stuff because you either think it must be something else or you presume the user fixed it themselves. So many times I’ve went through loads of stuff and a restart was what was needed

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