Paste a Comment in Your Word Document

Comments in MS Word is a great tool that allows you and your colleagues to to share thoughts and ideas while collaborating on a document. So, it would follow, that it would be nice if you could just copy one of those comments and paste it right into your document right? Well the truth is that you can and very easily!

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. First, be certain that the Reviewing Pane is showing at the bottom of your Word screen, or that the comment balloons are visible on the right-hand side of your document.
  2. Select the text of the comment that you would like to paste into your main document. Select ONLY the text and do NOT select the comment mark or the paragraph mark!
  3. Click CTRL + X to cut the text or CTRL + C to copy it to your Clipboard.
  4. Place your cursor at the spot in your document where you would like the comment inserted.
  5. Click CTRL + V to paste the text into your document.

That’s all there is to it!

Versions 2007, 2010

2 thoughts on “Paste a Comment in Your Word Document”

  1. As a newbie I don’t know how to make certain that the reviewing pane is showing at the bottom of the word document. So, in spite of the fact that the idea of the article is excellent, the article is completely useless to me!

    1. Harry, look at the top of your Word page and click Review. Then about halfway across in the Tracking section, click the drop-down arrow next to Reviewing Pane. Select Reviewing Pane Vertical or Reviewing Pane Horizontal.

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