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12 Year Old Boy Guilty of Hacking Government Sites – youngest hacker ever?

A 12-year-old Canadian boy has pleaded guilty to hacking government and police websites during the student uprising in spring 2012, creating computer havoc and causing $60,000 damage. According to a story published by the Toronto Sun, the boy traded pirated information to Anonymous in exchange

12 Year Old Boy Guilty of Hacking Government Sites – youngest hacker ever? Read More »

Congressman: “You can’t have your privacy violated if you don’t know your privacy is violated”

This bombshell was dropped by Republican Congressman and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers at a recent NSA hearing while interrogating American University College of Law professor Stephen Vladeck over his concerns about NSA surveillance programs. The already infamous quote was uttered by Congressman Rogers

Congressman: “You can’t have your privacy violated if you don’t know your privacy is violated” Read More »

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