
More Free Games Available This Month

Prime Gaming

This is just a reminder that Prime Gaming gives away free games nearly every week for Prime members. In August last year, I posted Claim Free Games On Amazon Prime and since then, I’ve claimed 10 games, including Rise Of The Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider: Game Of The Year Edition, Maneater, and two Call Of Juarez games, among others.

On Prime Gaming you’ll need to check each game to see how long the offers stand and of course, you need to subscribe to Amazon Prime, even if that’s only on a trial basis, which is what many people do to claim the games.


Steam doesn’t give much away, however, if you go to the Steam Store and filter ‘Narrow by price’ to zero, you’ll find thousands of free games of all genres. You can then drill down your search even further to single player or to whatever your preference is.

Of particular interest right now is Alien Removal Division made by students of Breda University which has had very positive reviews, so it’s worth checking out!

Epic Games

Epic Games continues to give away games every week, sometimes even two in the same week. I have had to reign in my choices with Epic because I now have so many freebies from the company that I haven’t even installed most of them yet, which is crazy!

Other free games

One of the most popular free games is Fortnite by Epic Games and other platforms give you similar battle royales such as Apex Legends. But be warned that many of these free-to-play games are pay-to-win with in-game loot boxes and other means of taking your money.

To me, a free game is one that you have access to for life without having to fork out extra money on foibles. DLCs are another matter and if they add another dimension to the game, such as a whole new adventure at a reasonable price, that’s usually worth it, so choose with care.

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