Microsoft Spurns Loyal Fans: snatches Tomb Raider Exclusive.

In a move which has incensed loyal fans of the Tomb Raider franchise, Microsoft has concluded a deal with publisher Square Enix, to release Rise of The Tomb Raider exclusively on the Xbox One platform, as announced at GamesCom 2014.

To add insult to injury, Darrell Gallagher of Crystal Dynamics has posted an update on the Tomb Raider blog, trying his level best to justify this decision, but failing miserably and missing the point completely.

Tomb Raider in 2013 was a success due in large part to your continued support……..

Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision……………..

This doesn’t mean that we’re walking away from our fans who only play on PlayStation or on PC. Those are great systems, with great partners, and amazing communities….


Darrell Gallagher
Crystal Dynamics Head of Studio

As a loyal fan of Tomb Raider myself, I would take issue with Mr Gallagher’s assertions and contest that Square Enix are indeed walking away from their fans, many of whom have remained loyal since the very first Tomb Raider was launched in 1996.

It’s no secret that sales of Xbox One are being outstripped by the PS4, to the tune of 3 to 1, Square Enix have been having their share of financial woes recently and the Tomb Raider brand carries with it killer sales and a bankable name. Put that lot in a cocktail mixer, offer it up to the various shareholders, lock them all in a conference room and you’ve got yourself a dividend fest before you can blink.

Naturally, the net went bonkers over this announcement, which is an indication of how fondly Lara Croft is regarded across the platforms and for many, this move is regarded as a grand theft; treachery if you will.

Of course, one has to ask: who is the Big Bad Wolf in all this?

Microsoft for making Square Enix an offer they couldn’t refuse, or Square Enix/Crystal Dynamics for selling off Lara Croft as if she were some common street walker?

Either way, as top executives scurry away to their respective corners of the playground to cuddle their new toy, we all lose, because the Gods on Wall St have spoken.

5 thoughts on “Microsoft Spurns Loyal Fans: snatches Tomb Raider Exclusive.”

  1. Robert Taylor


    Unfortunately in todays business world you go where the money is, I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider on PC and will miss this one!


    1. Peter Thompson

      But surely by making it an exclusive they are losing the money that other consoles and pc gamers would pay. They have also risked possibly damaging their image which can be costly

  2. I’m sure Microsoft spent a lot of money to get this exclusively. It may well work to increase the X-Box 1’s sales. This will probably lead to Sony doing the same thing with another game.

    Now I never got into these games. But I have heard that some people would go days without eating or sleeping to play. Some even went so far is to install the game consoles in the bathroom, so they could play-as-they-go so to speak.

  3. Of course it lies at the feet of Square Enix/Crystal Dynamics! Just because M$ has deep pockets didn’t mean a thing- they had to have a willing accomplice & that was Square Enix/Crystal Dynamics.

    It only hurts the fans– if TR were launched on ALL platforms, as it ought to have, it would sell as many if not more copies. So, they not only deliberately alienated their loyal fan base, they sold them out, too.

  4. I still believe that Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix have made a huge PR blunder here and it remains to be seen IF they make an effort to redeem themselves by sneaking in ‘Oh, it’s a timed exclusive by the way…’, which may mollify some fans and get them off the hook, maybe.
    There is also the darker question as to whether Microsoft are interested in the Tomb Raider IP.
    One certainly hopes not.

    For a more gutsy and direct response to this decision, take a look at Angry Joe’s response, which expresses views in a way not entirely possible on DCT, since it’s a family show.
    There is some strong language:

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