
Microsoft Announces Windows 10 ESU Pricing

On Friday 31st October Microsoft finally announced Windows 10 ESU (Extended Security Updates) pricing and terms for home users.

Note: The “home” term used throughout this article does not refer to Windows 10 Home edition but rather to differentiate between home and enterprise users.

Microsoft has previously provided an ESU program for enterprise/corporate users but this is the first time the company is providing a similar program for home users.

The Windows 10 ESU program costs $30.00US for one year only; Microsoft does not support ESU beyond one year. The $30.00US ESU plan will be available for home users as Windows 10 nears end-of-support (October 2025).

The ESU program for enterprise/corporate users covers three years with pricing starting at $61.00US for the initial year and doubling for each subsequent year, amounting to $427.00US for the three years.

OPatch Third-Party Alternative

OPatch is a company offering alternative ESU plans for home users. OPatch is guaranteeing that it will support ESU at least until 2030 (for 5 years) with the possibility of extending support beyond 2030 (on the proviso that demand meets requirements).

OPatch’s ESU plan is currently priced at 24.95 euros (~$27.00US) per year which is certainly reasonable. However, I have several minor reservations:

  1. OPatch does not provide official patches. That said, the company is well-established in this field
  2. I could not locate any information about OPatch nor about the company behind OPatch
  3. OPatch subscriptions are renewed annually. Meaning that, while the price for the initial year is reasonable enough, there is no guarantee that fees won’t be increased for subsequent years


When Microsoft first announced its plan to provide a Windows 10 ESU program for home users the news was greeted enthusiastically. However, in my opinion, the reality has turned out to be less than ideal. Personally, I cannot see the sense in paying $30.00US to postpone the inevitable for a mere 12 months.

Comparatively, OPatch’s ESU plan is far more appealing, albeit with consideration for the minor reservations mentioned earlier.

Will you be looking to extend Windows 10’s support with one of these ESU plans? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Microsoft Announces Windows 10 ESU Pricing”

  1. Yes, and not right now. From what I reading, will wait and see what is the best alternative. |Right now I might have to upgrade to 11, and replace 2 computers, Mindblower!

  2. Tried emailing OPatch to get more information on the pricing, but their server refused my email, go figure, Mindblower!

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