
Mastering Device Management On Linux Mint

I’ve been experimenting with Linux Mint on my HP laptop and wanted to check the Device Manager. There are Terminal commands you can perform to get this information.

To open the Terminal, click on the Start button then Terminal, or click on it in the Taskbar.

Open up Terminal and type one of the following and hit Enter:


This shows PCI devices:


This shows USB devices:

I would rather have a graphical interface. To do so I would need to download and install an app called “HardInfo”. Open up the Terminal, type the following, and hit Enter:

sudo apt-get install hardinfo

Watch the install information on the Terminal. You’ll be required to enter your system password. Then you will be asked if you want to continue with the installation. Click “Y” on the keyboard for yes. It will start installing. When you are back at your terminal prompt, it is done.

Once it’s finished installing either in Terminal or in the Start menu search bar, type hardinfo and hit Enter.

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