Huge Collection of Free eBooks from Microsoft

Microsoft has put together collections of free eBooks and made them available for download before but this one is the biggest to date. The collection includes previously available titles plus a heap of new ones, totaling almost 300 and all available in one place. There is a wide variety of topics to choose from, catering for the less experienced through to professionals.

The latest Windows operating system is well covered of course, with numerous titles relating to Windows 8.x:

Windows 7 users haven’t been forgotten either:

Microsoft Office consumers are also well catered for with numerous topics covering various versions and their components:

For more advanced users, in addition to the above categories, titles cover such topics as Microsoft SQL, Servers, Dynamics CRM, Windows Azure, and more.

There are lots of topics that may not light everyone’s fire of course, but there are so many and such a wide variety, there’s bound to be something of interest for most users.

The majority of titles are available to download in PDF, with a goodly number also available in the popular eBook formats ePub and Mobi, and the occasional .doc and .docx Word formats.


2 thoughts on “Huge Collection of Free eBooks from Microsoft”

  1. Thanks Jim. A good collection from Microsoft.
    Thank you very much.
    I am the regular reader of your all post and also I subscribe via email too.

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