
How To Split A Table In Word 365

One of my subscribers asked me recently how to split a table he had created. He had it all set up just the way he wanted but then decided that one part of it should be set off as a separate table of its own. Oh, of course, he could have just created another table and deleted the data that was already in his one table, but why do that if there is an easier way to achieve the same outcome? I have to agree with him. If there is a way to save time and keystrokes, I am all for it.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Place your cursor in the row that you would like to have as a separate table.
  2. Before I tell you the next step, there is a caveat and that is you must have your cursor within your table to do this.
  3. Okay, so now that you have placed your cursor where you need it, on your Ribbon, click on the Layout tab.
  4. In the Merge group, click Split Table.

You will see that Word has inserted a separate table in your document.

Both tables are now independent of each other.

Very easy to do!  Don’t you just love saving time and keystrokes?



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