Microsoft Word

How to Show Keyboard Shortcuts on ScreenTips in Word 2010

Normally ScreenTips will appear when you position your mouse over a toolbar button. Their function is to display a hint about what the button does. Go ahead and hover your cursor over the Underline tool on the Home tab of your Ribbon and you will see a ScreentTip telling you “Underline.” But, if you would like to have it display “Underline – CTRL + U,” you can! Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Click on the File tab of your Ribbon.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click the Advanced option on the left.
  4. Scroll through the options until you see the Display section.
  5. Be certain the Show Shortcut Keys in ScreenTips option is selected.

  1. Click on Close.
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