
How To Sharpen Videos, Pictures In Opera

Opera has a new feature that, in theory, will help sharpen videos and pictures on the websites that you visit. It’s called “Lucid mode“. To access it, go to the “Easy setup” menu – three stacked lines in the top right-hand corner. When the side menu opens, scroll down to the Lucid mode section.

You have two choices: To sharpen videos and/or pictures. Click on the switch to enable or disable.

If you are not in full-screen mode, moving your mouse over the video will give you a popup at the top of the video to easily enable or disable. This option doesn’t appear in full screen videos.

Does it work? Yes, from my perspective, it does seem to make the videos and images more colourful. The downside is that it can lead to some loss of detail. I’ve included some screenshots but it’s hard to show the actual effect in these pictures.

For example, here is a screenshot from a YouTuber called LGR:

source video:  LGR 486 Upgrade! Installing & Enjoying Windows 95

With Lucid Mode enabled, the graphics on the computer screen seem to become distorted. But it’s not so bad in full-screen mode.

This next screenshot is from:

source video: How to reset Safari on Mac (full reset)


To my eyes, the Lucid mode on does seem to expose more detail and colour.

To test pictures, I took a snip of the DavesComputerTips website. With Lucid mode on, it seems to make the details and edges stand out more in the graphic. Especially on the wood grain background. Lucid mode off, the image edges and colours seem more blurred together.

Something that Opera users can play around with a bit for the best results. So, what do you think? On or off? Let us know in the comments.

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3 thoughts on “How To Sharpen Videos, Pictures In Opera”

  1. I’ve been using Lucid the past week. First time I tried it, blew me away with the clear improvement.
    Is Lucid only in Opera? If so, I’d think it’s enough to gain many converts from Google, Firefox, etc.
    Opera has been my default browser for a few years now. Lucid is icing on the cake.

    1. Terry Hollett

      I’m not aware of this option in any other browser. But now Opera is doing it, you’ll see it coming to other browsers soon. 🙂

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