
How To Select Text In Word 365

Oh sure, a lot of folks know different ways to select text in Word. You can select all text in your document (Ctr +A) or specific text or items in a table using your mouse or keyboard. You can also select text or items that are in different places. (i.e., you can select a paragraph on one page and a sentence on a different page). But I bet most folks do not know how to select text in the manner I am going to introduce you to!

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Press  F8 to turn on selection mode.
  2.  Press F8 once to select a word.
  3. Press twice to select a sentence.
  4. Press thrice to select a paragraph.
  5. Press four times to select the document.
  6. To turn off Selection mode, press ESC.

You’re welcome!

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