
How To Scroll Inactive Windows

I had to replace my mouse. Bought one at the dollar store that I thought was wireless. Should have read the package more carefully. It’s a “VX Gaming” mouse. It lights up and cycles through the colours.

It seemed a bit flaky at first but I went into the mouse settings and adjusted it to my tastes. Type mouse settings in search or go to Settings -> Devices -> Mouse. You can swap the left and right buttons, change speed, size, and so on. To the right under the “Related settings” heading you have more options.

Right now, I’m only interested in one setting, “Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them”. I had it disabled for some reason. What does it do? It does what it claims. It allows you to scroll through a window that is open in the background.

Let’s say I had a browser window open to a page and I had a second program open on top of that. With this setting disabled, if I hover my mouse cursor over the browser window in the background and scroll with the mouse wheel, nothing happens. I have to click on the background browser window to bring it up front to make it active. With this setting on, I can scroll through it without clicking on it to make it active.

Even with “File Explorer” open, if this is disabled, one side of the window will be active. Scrolling down with your mouse on the other panel will not work. With this setting enabled, I can have one side active and still scroll down the other side with my mouse while simply hovering.

I like it enabled.

For more mouse tips click here.

4 thoughts on “How To Scroll Inactive Windows”

  1. I just bought a gaming mouse just as a replacement of my old one. It is an ugly brute more ugly that the one pictured but it works very well and has 5 buttons including the wheel which the others don’t do much but I don’t do gaming.

    There is a DPI button which on my system does nothing but for £4 I am very happy with it.

    1. Terry Hollett

      One thing I hate about this mouse is the two buttons on the left-hand side. A forward and backward in the browser and how many times I accidentally hit them.

    1. Terry Hollett

      Are you using an adblocker extension? Some browsers have adblockers built in. What browser are you using?

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