
How To Rename Files In Sequential Number Order

Renaming files in sequential number order is something you might want to do under certain circumstances. A typical example would be a group of photos pertaining to some special event. It is very easy to do and only takes seconds. In the example that follows I have a group of photos that all relate to Christmas but all have different names. I’m going to show you how to batch rename them in sequential number order with just a few clicks.

Assuming the photos are all together in a single folder:

  1. Left-click anywhere inside the folder (this is to let Windows know where you are working)
  2. Now press the keyboard combination CTRL + A to highlight all the files in the folder
  3. Right-click the first file and select Rename
  4. Type in a suitable name – in my case I typed in Xmas2021

  1. Press Enter and you’ll see that all the photos/files now have the same name but with consecutive numbers added

I performed this process with the folder in “Details” view for simplicity but it works just the same in “Icon” view. A quick tip that can come in handy.

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