
How To Reduce Video Size With HandBrake

I downloaded a 7GB movie from archive.org. I wanted to keep it, but 7GB was too big.  So I downloaded and installed HandBrake

I’ve tried using this program before to make files smaller without losing quality. I got it working once, so now I just have to remember what I did. Only this time, I noticed something I think is new.

And that is the Presets. So I opened the file in Handbrake (add your file(s)). You can navigate to it, but I prefer the drag-and-drop method.

And then click on the last icon across the top that reads Presets. This opens up the Preset menu options on the right-hand side of the program.

I chose HQ 720p30 Surround as my output. I also changed the folder to save the file. And then I clicked on the Start Encode button. It changes to a Stop and Pause button when the encoding is taking place.

Then it’s just a matter of waiting. In my case, five and a half hours. Depending on the size of your file, the output selected and the speed of your system, output times will vary.

The end result, a 7.31 GB file was knocked down to 3.79 GB. I was shooting for 1 GB, but at least it works.


How to Record Your Video Game Action – Part 1

2 thoughts on “How To Reduce Video Size With HandBrake”

  1. Interesting find Terry. Excellent compression program for those wanting something for nothing. Find the selections not confusing but lacking in the details I am accustomed in using from a paid program. Will keep this program and see how it matures, Mindblower!

  2. A very impressive program, Terry. Have used it on/off for several tasks, but recently was able to convert some HD DVDs’s to mp4. Able to get a full screen copy (no top and bottom bars). Glad I kept this program. Thanks for the recommendation, Mindblower!

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