
How To Quickly Print Without Opening In Excel

Quick Print In Excel

Should you need to quickly print the contents of a workbook without opening the workbook yourself manually, you can absolutely do this!

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Use the Explorer, My Computer or any Open dialog box to locate the worksheet that you would like to print.
  2. Right-click on the file. Windows will display a Context menu.
  3. Select Print from the Context menu.
  4. Windows will load Excel if it is not already open, open your workbook, and print it. The workbook will then closed.

The only thing printed in your workbook is the single worksheet that was selected when the workbook was last closed. It is also printed to your current designated printer.

If you would like to print using a different printer or area of your workbook then you must first open the workbook in order to print.

2 thoughts on “How To Quickly Print Without Opening In Excel”

  1. I am just beginning with a computer. Where is the best place to start learning how to do things? Copy and Paste is one thing I need to learn to do.

  2. John,

    Perhaps you can look in your area to see if there are classes offered at one of the local schools in the evening.

    To copy and paste, simply highlight what you would like to copy by dragging your cursor over it or triple clicking on it and typing CTRL + C. To paste, simply click in your document where you would like the copied text to appear and type CTRL + V.

    I hope this has been helpful to you. Good luck with your learning and please feel free to ask questions!

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