2 thoughts on “How To Opt Out Of Ad Privacy Choices Amazon”

  1. Amazon changed things. They removed “opt out of ad choices” and the 3 lines to click on are no longer there. They moved the app settings to an icon that is shaped like the head/shoulders of a person. Nothing you wrote works on my new Android A15 cell phone.
    Not complaining, just thought you’d like to know that Amazon apparently is working hard not to lose advertising space anywhere.

    1. Thanks for giving me a heads up Marilyn. Weird wonder if you uninstalled the Amazon App and then reinstalled it would it show up? They might have renamed it something a little different. Amazon is known to change the wording to make it harder to find. Here is the link to the “Your Ad privacy Choices” on the website which you can do the process here. It will affect all devices you are singed in on with your Amazon account..

      Do this on the computer and then it should be set on your mobile app. It worked for me when I adjusted it on the website. I hope this helps you out.

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