
How To Highlight A Box Of Text In Word

I am sure you have had an instance where you just wanted to highlight a certain area of text in your document for one reason or another and instead ended up feeling frustrated because you were unable to do so. So today, I am here to tell you that you can accomplish this task very easily.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  • Press and hold down your ALT key while you click and drag your mouse, which will allow you to create a box in your document that will highlight all the characters in that box.

Doesn’t get much easier than that!

3 thoughts on “How To Highlight A Box Of Text In Word”

  1. I must be doing something wrong, this tip didn’t work for me. I could draw a box, but nothing else would happen. There is a function on the Insert tool bar to insert a text box, but that doesn’t seem the action you recommended.

  2. Hi there Joe,
    It didn’t work for you because you didn’t follow the instructions I gave. I didn’t say to draw a box or insert a text box.
    So do this. Create a couple of paragraphs in a word document. It can just be nonsense, but make at least three or four paragraphs of it.
    Now follow my instructions. Hold down your Alt key and simultaneously use your mouse to cover a square of text. It doesn’t matter where in your document – just a square block of text. Then click on your Highlighter and make it any color you like. Easy peasy!

  3. Hank Fischer

    What does Then click on your Highlighter mean I see no highlighter to click on.

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