Microsoft Word

How to Format Line Numbers in Word Documents

Word makes it fairly simply to change the formatting of your line numbers. I am always telling my clients to learn to use Styles because it makes your Word life so much easier and this is a perfect example of that ease.

  1. Display the Home tab of your Ribbon.
  2. In the Styles group, click the small icon at the bottom right to display the Styles pane at the right-hand side of your desktop.

  1. Hover your cursor over the Line Number Style and note that a downward pointing arrow has appeared.
  1. If the Line Number style is not visible to you, use the Options button at the bottom of your Style pane to display All Styles.

  1. Click on the little arrow pointing downward and select the Modify option from the drop-down menu. Click on Format and select the portion of the style you would like to modify..Click OK to save the modifications you have made
  2. Close the Style pane


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