
How To Delete Your Facebook Comment

I was at work today and my Mother-in-law texted me about an issue she was having on Facebook.

Issue: She accidentally posted the same thing more than once on someone’s Timeline. The question she had was, “How do you remove a duplicate comment on someone’s Timeline?”

This is something that I have seen many of my clients do and the answer is pretty simple if you know where to look. So, for all of you that do not know, I will lay out the steps so you can delete those accidental comments we have all made. Just because I want to be a nice guy today, I will show you how to do this on both your PC and your Android device.

Delete Facebook Comment on PC

Step 1: You must be logged into your Facebook account.

Step 2: Once you are in your account, look for the comment you left on that post. The easiest way to find it is to head up to your drop-down arrow next to the Lock Icon on the top right of the site. Click on the arrow and a menu will appear. Click on Activity Log

Step 3: Here you will see a list of all your activities from Liking to Commenting. Scroll down to your comment which will have a green icon (this indicates it is a comment) next to it. To the right, you will see an Edit Pencil. Click it. Now you will have the option to delete that comment.  Click Delete. DONE!

Step 4 Optional: You can also delete your comment directly from the Timeline itself. This is nice since you might already be looking at the post when you make the mistake. Just hover your mouse cursor over the comment and you should see an Edit Pencil to the right. Click it

In this menu you can Delete the comment or Edit it. I will choose Delete.

That makes two ways you can remove it on your PC. Let’s look at how you can do the same thing on your Android Facebook App.

Delete Facebook Comment on Android

Step 1: Sign in to your Facebook App. (I used my LG Volt and a Galaxy S4 cell phone.)

Step 2: Head to the three horizontal lines at the top right. Tap on them and you should have a menu pop up. Scroll down until you find Activity Log. Tap it


Step 3: This is where all your activity is kept. Scroll down to the comment you posted just like in the PC steps. The easy way to delete the comment is to choose the down arrow next to the comment. Tap it, then just tap Delete.

Step 4 optional: If you are on the actual post all you need to do is hold your finger on your comment and a menu will appear. Now just select Delete.

These are two easy ways you can delete your comment when using your Android Facebook App. Now you have saved yourself from some embarrassment or at least saved yourself from looking like a weirdo.

Thanks to my Mother-in-law for the great question!

What comments have you made and wanted to delete?

2 thoughts on “How To Delete Your Facebook Comment”

  1. Michaeleen Muhovich

    At my age (72) I know I make mistakes, so I just add another comment after the duplicate: “Oops!”. No muss, no fuss 🙂

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