
How To Crop A Video With Avidemux

My uncle asked me to crop some videos for him. By the way, the video used in my example here is not my uncle’s. The program I was using was so-so. I wrote about an online service and you can read it at How To Crop A Video Online. Online services have limits and then having to upload and download the videos to/from the sites can be cumbersome. So I came across another solution that seems a little more promising. A program called Avidemux.

So, run the program after installation. Then open a video using the File option or drag and drop. The first setting I changed was clicking on the options in the Video Output section.

I wanted to keep it on Copy to keep the same basic codecs and format, but if you do, you cannot use the video filters. Next, in the Output format, I clicked on MP4 Muxer, then click on Video in the top menu.

Then click on Filters. In the Video Filter Manager that opens, right-click then Add or double-click on the crop filter. You can experiment with any other filters here.

This opens the crop window. Click, hold and drag either the top left-hand corner or the lower right-hand corner to adjust the size of the cropped video. This one is not so fluid as others. The video doesn’t start playing automatically, press the play button if it helps you to line up your cropping lines.

Then click on OK. This takes you back to the filter window. You can then click on the Preview button and if not satisfied, just double-click on the crop option again and repeat as you see fit.

Once you’re satisfied with the preview, click on OK to close the preview window and Close to close the filter window. This takes you back to the Main window where now you just have to save the result. Click on the Save button.

This program seems a little more solid, so I’ll be using this one as my main cropper– for now.

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