
How To Create Different Page Orientations In Word 365

There can be times when you may find it necessary to create a different layout or page orientation in a select page range in your document. Let’s pretend you want the first page to be oriented as portrait. Now let’s also pretend you would like your second page to be oriented as landscape.

This is definitely possible, BUT, it is only possible when using sections. You may already know that if you have ever attempted to select a page range and change your layout without having created sections in your document, you have already discovered that orientation for your entire document will change rather than just the section of your document.  So, breaks are necessary if you would like to change part of your document’s layout and this is especially true for page orientation.

If you want to change your page orientation as in the above-cited example, you will first need to insert a break at the start and end where you would want your page to change layout. In the above example, page 1 is portrait and page 2 is landscape. Then the rest of your document returns to portrait. So to avoid that you have to insert a continuous section break at the end of page 2.

If you want to see it, just open a blank Word document and key in =random ( ). Next, press your enter key to insert some random text. Just repeat that as much as you want until you have several pages to work with.

To insert a section break, follow the steps below:

  1. Move your insertion point to where you would like your break to begin.
  2. From the Layout tab, choose Breaks which will open the Breaks menu.
  3. Toward the middle of the menu, you will see Section Breaks:
  • Next Page – Insert a section break and start the new section on your next page
  • Continuous – Insert a section break and start the new section on the same page
  • Even Page – Insert a section break and start the new section on the next even-numbered page
  • Odd Page – Insert a section break and start the new section on the next odd-numbered page
  • Click Continuous to insert a continuous section break.

Once you have inserted your page breaks you are now able to change the page orientation of any of your sections individually.

Next up will be changing your page orientation. Be on the lookout!

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