
How To Create A Custom Quick Part In Word

Using Quick Parts is a great way to save time and keystrokes when you are going to be working on short documents (i.e., memos, documents, resumes, ads, etc.).  I love using these because it makes life a lot easier for me when composing lots of different things. We all know that I love to save time and keystrokes!

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. With your objects selected, go to your Insert tab and click on Quick Parts to open an options pane.
  2. Click on Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.
  3. In the Create New Building Block area, key in the name of your Quick Part, the gallery to which you would like to save it, a brief description, and the template to which you would like your Quick Part to be saved. You can, if you wish, also key in any other options shown. For our purposes, we are going to save it to the Headers gallery to the Built-in category and save it to your Building Blocks template.
  4. It will now appear in your header gallery with all your other options for new and existing Word documents.
  5. Now, click OK.
  6. You can now navigate to your Insert tab on your Header. Check to be certain that your custom header appears in your Header gallery.
  7. Now, I am sure that you can see that creating a custom Quick Part that will appear in one of Word’s galleries, will save you lots of time since you will not have to format many different parts or pieces of your document that you would typically use, like title pages, headers, footers, etc. Creating your Custom Quick Part clearly will save you much time in the future!

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